Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Family Food - Tuna Napolitan-ish

When I was at uni, in the Olden Days, there were 3 evening meals I was able to cook without complete shared-kitchen carnage. I prepared them on rotation.

  1. "Smash" mashed potatoes and peas and microwave cuboid cod in parsley sauce.
  2. Baked bean "casserole" ie baked beans, kidney beans, ketchup and pasta mixed up.
  3. Schwartz Tuna Napolitana packet sauce. With pasta.
Now I realise I'm not exactly selling my culinary skills here, but take a moment to recall how you may have handled living far away from home at 18, with a weekly budget off roughly £4.50 (following Banana Concorde expenses and nightly admission to whichever fine nightclub was throwing a Student Night).

And, for your information, Doubting Doris, Tuna Napolitana is a dish fit for a king. In fact, I am pretty sure it's what Queen Liz had for her supper after the Jubbly celebrations. Not entirely a fact, but a well-founded (or completely unfounded, depending on how you look at it) assumption. It was served with an aperitif of Banana Concorde and followed by Mint Angel Delight, Prince Pip's favourite pudding. His was, of course, transported to hospital post-haste by a couple of Beefeaters, as he was a bit poorly.

Anyway THE POINT IS that I have invented my own version, a scrumptious and healthy meal suitable for babies and adults alike.


Half an onion chopped finely
Clove of garlic, pressed
Dessert spoon of tomato purée
6 tomatoes (skinned if you can be bothered), chopped finely
Half a tin of tuna in spring water
Handful of grated cheddar
Optional spinach
Pinch of Italian herbs
Full fat milk
Pasta - I use macaroni or halved shells for The Bairn, he is 8 months with teeth. When he was younger I'd have blended it a bit.

  • Cook pasta until fairly soft so easily eaten by baby
  • Fry onion until soft in a little olive oil (saucepan)
  • Add garlic and tomato purée
  • After a few minutes add tomatoes
  • Simmer for about 10 minutes on a low heat, until it looks a bit saucy
  • Stir in tuna and cheese
  • Add spinach - if you like. I use prefrozen discs of spinach
  • Add herbs
  • Take out baby's pasta, cool in cold water. Mix in with a wee portion of sauce and a bit of full fat milk to cool it down further. The Bairn eats his on his high chair tray with his fingers. Leftover sauce, I give him with a spoon.
  • For the grown ups - just put it together and serve.

Look at that tubby wee face! The Bairn is clearly saying "Mam, you are AWESOME, and I love you very much."

The Other Half, who detests fish in any shape or form, enjoyed a tuna spattered hob, highchair and floor whilst tucking into leftover ham salad.


  1. Well I still cook that Tuna pasta packet thingy for my family today and I too made it as a student. I still love it and have also made a kiddo version when they were tiny like yours! See we have something in common already! Just found you and love your blog- you make me laugh a lot! Look forward to reading, Jo x

  2. Jo, thanks so much! You're clearly also of sound mind and delectable taste. You made me smile! I thank you. X
