Sooooo poorly today. Me and The Bairn are suffering total lurgification. It's clearly a cold and therefore we must both MAN UP and GROW A PAIR. The Bairn has, at least, achieved the latter. And one could argue that I grew HIS pair. But nevertheless, where I fail at MANNING UP, I absolutely succeed at making chicken soup - and everyone knows chicken soups cures all that ails ya. A sure sign of WOMANNING up, a superior evolutionary step in the grand scheme of things.
Lurgy Obliterating Chicken and Sweetcorn Soup
Half an onion chopped finely
Chicken breasticle cut up really small
Half a tin of sweetcorn
Easy cook white rice (washed)
Homemade stock if you have any
Whatever herbs and stuff you like
1. Fry onion in olive oil until transparent.
2. Add chicken pieces - fry until cooked.
3. Add sweetcorn and handful of rice.
4. If you have homemade stock, use it, otherwise add water until just covers ingredients, throw in herbs/pepper.
5. Simmer covered for 20 mins, add liquid when needed.
6. Blitz with hand processor til pretty smooth - I know, lumps are good, but too much effort for a poorly little boy :(
7. Served with little pitta bread pieces, dipped in soup.
I used a defrosted chicken breast, so used it all today by adding The Bairn's milk and blitzing in a separate tub.
You can then add a stock cube (too salty for wee yins) and more water to make your own "adult" soup thinner. And extra seasoning too. In fact a sliced red chilli simmered in at this point might be awesome...
As I type, I'm merging into the sofa; The Bairn's custom crocheted Granny Blankie protecting me against further viral infiltration. Wish us luck in quarantine!
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