Monday, 7 May 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!

Me me me. It's all about me, this blog is. Which could make it a pretty hair-raising experience, this roller coaster of a journal! Fasten those industrial strength harnesses, hang on to the bottom of your spinny desk seat with knuckles of alabaster, and try to retain those screams of pure delight and excitement. Careful now! It begins. Well, maybe I'm over-exaggerating the "wowness" for anyone happening upon my blog (I've got a blog! Hark at me!) as I lead a perhaps less than fascinating existence. In fact, maybe less than interesting. Actually, it's bog standard. But since you're here, you may as well continue reading.

 Did I mention that today is my birthday? Did I mention that my wonderful other half and son clubbed in to buy me an mother-flipping iPad? Not just an iPad. Ho no!

A New IPad.

That's good. It means it does stuff an Old IPad didn't do. It has yet to prove its dish washing capabilities, and didn't recognise the voice command "Shave my toes, minion" but, nonetheless, im liking it muchly. In fact I'm writing this Shizzle on it right this very minute.

 Things I may be writing about in future entries:

1. Babies
2. Art, illustration and crafts
3. Bakery and cooking
4. TV
5. Did I mention I have an iPad?
6. Gardening
7. Optometry
8. Other.

 I'm going to enjoy this self-absorbent reflection on all things meeeeee! I hope you will too. And if you don't, get tae!!! Love you though.


  1. Hi thanks for commenting on my blog, and for directing me to yours! Oooh I do love me a new blog. Are you on Twitter? Rachel. x

    1. Bloody Hell - did I just reply or do a new comment? Whit a bawbag! Anyway, there's your reply - down there.

  2. I AM on the ole Twittors! But I've just started and have no idea on this earth what I'm doing. All these hash tags and @s, I'm lost, but I'm sure I'll get there (next Julember). I'm BusyAliBee on it. I'll get you followed pronto! Alison x
