Friday, 18 May 2012

My Portfolio

Well. For the first time in nearly a year, I returned to college. A couple of years ago, I embarked on one of the best and most frightening journeys of my life. A return to education as a Mature Student. As a "proper" young uni student, The Mature Student seemed to be an almost untouchable entity. Often sitting in the front row of the lecture theatre, asking clever questions confidently, and attending every single one. Oh ho yes! Even Friday morning's Law lecture - while resembling Alice Cooper I lay in my Banana Concorde scented pit, following whatever shenanigans had materialised during Thursday's Student Night at The Garage.

I was always a bit in awe of the Mature Student.

And I'd like to say "Ahaaaa! The roles were reversed, my fellow students looked up to me with a mixture of reverence and awesomnity."

But in fact they were a mixture of cheeky beggars, noisy little oiks (that's right, OIKS I tells ya) and also some of the loveliest people I've met. A humbling experience meeting genuinely nice teenagers.

One day I may decide to delight you all, my many many (one or optimistically two) followers, with some images from said Portfolio. But I can't be bothered as I'm busy making iArt.


(muthaflippin yeeeeeears later....)

So busy making iArt I forgot to blog again. It's just finger painting for the iPad. Here's what I did in about 10 seconds of mess free self-absorbing art-ertainment. Like it?

Well I do, so shut up.

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