Monday 2 July 2012

Baby Cuisine - Pizza

Yesterday, on our way to visit one of The Bairn's superb Grannies, we happened upon a Sainsbury's supermarket. The Bairn himself was having a nap in the back of the car, so I kindly offered to remain with him while my lovely Other Half savoured half an hour of quality food shopping. He asked me to text him a list, so I did.

  • Salad
  • Chicken
  • Blue milk for wee man
  • John Freda Colour Correct purple shampoo
(Might I mention that the brassy mustard yellow of my newly, poorly home-dyed barnet was possibly a contributing factor in my decision to remain inside the vehicle. But only for the protection of the other shoppers' retinae, as I believe human eyes are not designed to withstand prolonged viewing of this particularly toxic wavelength.)
Roughly 30 traumatic minutes transpired while we were trapped inside a tiny VW polo in blistering heat, having forgotten my own car keys, The Other Half having thoughtfully locked the car on embarking for t'shop. This also caused the car alarm to wail - and just YOU try hiding with a head of hair resembling a cloud of luminous post-apolcalyptic nuclear fall-out. The Bairn slept.

Anyway point is, the shopping consisted of

  • 2 Pizza Express Sloppy Guiseppe pizzas for £2 each. WIN!
Thus follows the whole point of this post - baby pizza! I couldn't leave The Bairn out of such a feast, could I?Inspiration came from the terrific where I frequently find great ideas.

Baby Pizza - warning! Not tried this yet - it may be disgusting. Try it first yourself as always!


One sweet potato
Plain flour
Unsalted butter

Quarter of an onion chopped finely
Half a clove of garlic
Tsp tomato purée
3 tomatoes chopped

  1. BASE - Boil sweet potato for 20 minutes until soft
  2. Add some finely chopped spinach (if you like)
  3. Mash with a little butter until smooth
  4. Mix with plain flour (add until its not sticky anymore)
  5. Shape into round pizza bases, about 4 inches across and less than half an inch thick
  6. Bake on 200 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes - until golden
  7. TOPPING - fry up onion and garlic until soft
  8. Add tomato purée and tomatoes, simmer for 10 minutes
  9. Stir in a little basil and parsley
  10. Thinly spread onto pizza base, top with cheese.
  11. Put back in the oven for 5 minutes or so
  12. Serve cut into baby wedges

I've not even tried him with it yet! It's cooling as we speak (or type, or read, or something), so I can stick it in the fridge for tomorrow's lunch. Poor wee soul! It was taking longer than I expected and as The Bairn was ready to munch his own chubby little forearm off, I thought it was necessary to give him some breadstick with pizza topping mixed not some leftover cold macaroni. He loved it! Like a bottomless bin that one. Just like his Mummy. My pizza was scrumptious.

I reeeeally hope The Bairn's is too!

It was delicious! The Bairn rejected it, of course, and unsuccessfully attempted to spear the cat with a wedge of pizza - at range. Having been in the fridge it was pretty tough - so I cut it (cleverly, I may add) in cross-sections, like wee skinny strips. This went down a storm! He frickin LOVED it in this new design. So it's in the fridge for tomorrows snackage.

For his lunch, I then made a slice of toast, melted cheese into some pizza topping (as above) and spread it on. That was EASY AS PEAS as Keith Lemon might say. And, cut into fingers, was absolutely demolished by m'Boy.

In conclusion, one may suggest I had made a crap pizza - I'd rather put it to you that I invented 2 new pizza type dishes. Huzzah!

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